DIVEBNB Diver's Navigator


One-Piece Diving (Moon Jung-sun) (원피스다이빙(문정선님))

$ 0 / Estimated Fee
score 4.8

One-Piece Diving (Moon Jung-sun)

Diving product reservation


• Event-only package (Click the image or more button to view schedule and notice)

    • One-Piece Diving (Moon Jung-sun)

    • 2022-05-09  ~  2022-05-31 Itinerary : 원피스다이빙(문정선님)

Extra service

Additional Service
 facility Lecture Room, Restaurant
 Language Korean, English
 diving Night Diving, Technical diving
 Equipment rental Possible
 Communication WiFi
 Support gas Nitrox
 Diet Korean
 pick up Free
 method of payment Cash, Account Transfer
 Billing currency USD, PHP

Resort usage guide

Nearby attractions

• 마젤란 십자가
• 산토니뇨 성당
• 탑스힐
• 아얄라 몰
• SM몰
• 산페드로 요세
• 세부시티 카이 리젠시 타워
• 마트 : 그랜드몰(15분), 샹스(10분), 세이브모어(15분)
• 음식점 : 약 40여개(20분거리 이내)

Location / Access


One piece dive center, Maribago, Lapu-Lapu, Lalawigan ng Cebu, 필리핀

How to get there

• 무료 픽업
막탄 국제 공항 픽업 후 약 15분 소요.

Cancellation refund policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy
If you have made a reservation through Dive BnB and then canceled it for personal reasons
60 days before tour start 45 days before tour start 30 days before tour start
30% cancellation in case of cancellation
50% cancellation in case of cancellation
100% cancellation fee in case of cancellation
(*Transferable to others)
※ Please note that this is a cancellation policy implemented by most liveaboards.
Rules for product cancellation
This product is a product that is sold after securing a room with an airline in advance.
We inform you that special terms, not standard terms, apply. In case of application of special terms,
Cancellation fees higher than the standard terms and conditions may be charged.
Please check.
Special Terms and Conditions (Special Provisions in Article 5 of the Standard Terms and Conditions for Overseas Travel)
The product is sold after paying the corresponding cost in advance, and the English name of the person making the reservation is
From the moment they apply to flights/hotels/transports, special terms and conditions apply.
※ Product cancellation must be received within the business day (Mon-Fri 09:00~18:00 / excluding public holidays).
Applications received outside of business hours are excluded from the contract cancellation notice date.
※ In case of cancellation of travel due to injury, illness, hospitalization, death, etc. before the departure date, proof of [diagnosis certificate]
Refunds are possible based on this, and please submit supporting documents within 7 days of the departure date. (only,
In the case of products to which special terms apply, there may be some non-refundable parts.)
※ Product contractors must pay cancellation fees (including travel agency personnel costs) in connection with contract cancellation.
You may request specific proof and explanation from the travel agency, and the travel agency will not provide relevant explanations and evidence.
If there is a difference between the cancellation fee regulations and the cancellation fee, it will be refunded.
However, if the penalty does not exceed 10% of the total travel cost, proof will not be presented.
Minimum number of departures
1. This program can depart when the minimum number of departures is 12 or more.
2. The Company may not use the same level of shipping company if the minimum number of event participants is not met.
There is. This must be notified to the traveler 15 days prior to the start of the trip.



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  1. k2eeexdq 2018-09-22
    score 4

    세부막탄 가성비 최고의 다이빙샵

  2. bumchul77 2018-09-10
    score 5

    휴가로 다녀왔어요, 공항픽업은 톡으로 연결하여 간단히 해결했고요,
    새로 완공하였는지 숙소가 매우 깨끗했어요~
    럭키걸.. 다이빙에 푹빠져살다.. 지금은 현실.. 또 가고푸네요

  3. september 2018-09-07
    score 5

    강사님이 짱짱 좋으셔요!! 너무 재미있게 다이빙했어요
    번창하시길 빌어요 :)

  4. ggoma 2018-09-03
    score 5

    숙소가 얼마전에 지어진건지, 공사가 된건지 모르겠으나 엄청 깨끗하고 깔끔했다
    가족같이 챙겨 주셔서 친구랑 둘이 갔는데도 편하게 있다왔다
    특히 트레이너님 카리스마와 친절이 좋았고, 스텝들도 친절하다
    세부는 부담 없으니, 친구랑 한번 더 가고싶다

  5. Stardiver 2018-08-26
    score 5

    리조트 짱 깨끗. 알고보니 얼마전에 공사 하신것
    쾌적하고 깔끔하고 ~
    분위기도 좋고, 매일 씐나는 분위기라 다이빙도 좋았지만 같이 간 사람들이 계속 기분 업되 있었음
    가이드도 잘하고, 스텝들도 다 친절.
