DIVEBNB Diver's Navigator


백상어 다이빙 리조트 (WHITE SHARK SkinScuba Diving Resort)

Diving resort

WHITE SHARK SkinScuba Diving Resort (WHITE SHARK SkinScuba Diving Resort)

백상어 다이빙 , 대한민국

0 / Estimated Fee
score 4.8

It is a diving resort located in Gajinhang Port, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do. You can board the boat right in front of the resort, and the diving points are also located about 3 to 5 minutes away, making it easier to dive. And the resort regularly holds its own underwater photography competitions and photo seminars every year, so many people come to take underwater photographs. There are various points for diving from trainees to senior divers, so anyone can dive. You can think of Seoraksan Mountain in the sea. Most of the points are made up of natural rock, so you can feel the grandeur.

• Installation of descent line, training point guidance line at all points, complete equipment stand

Diving product reservation


Select Rooms

Total 4 There are room types.

  1. White Shark Diving Resort Room for 7 People

    • • Ondol
      • Outdoor public bath, air conditioner, heater, TV
      • No smoking / cooking individually
    • Price per night : ₩70,000
    No. of rooms
  2. White Shark Diving Resort Room for 6 People

    • • Ondol
      • Outdoor public bath, air conditioner, heater, TV
      • No smoking / cooking individually
    • Price per night : ₩60,000
    No. of rooms
  3. Four-person room at the White Shark Diving Resort

    • • Ondol
      • Outdoor public bath, air conditioner, heater, TV
      • No smoking / cooking individually
    • Price per night : ₩40,000
    No. of rooms
  4. White Shark Diving Resort Room for 5 People

    • • Ondol
      • Outdoor public bath, air conditioner, heater, TV
      • No smoking / cooking individually
    • Price per night : ₩50,000
    No. of rooms

Extra service

Additional Service
 facility Camera Room, Restaurant
 Language Korean
 Equipment rental Possible
 Communication WiFi
 Support gas Nitrox
 Diet Korean
 pick up None
 method of payment Cash, Credit, Account Transfer
 Billing currency KRW

Resort usage guide

• Free meal for diving (including brunch and non-divers)
• You can cook and cook your own meals with the food you prepared

Nearby attractions

• Ginjin Port Natural Products Association Center
• Hwajinpo Beach (Kim Il-sung, Lee Seung-man's villa)
• a health service

Location / Access


Cancellation refund policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy
If you have made a reservation through Dive BnB and then canceled it for personal reasons
60 days before tour start 45 days before tour start 30 days before tour start
30% cancellation in case of cancellation
50% cancellation in case of cancellation
100% cancellation fee in case of cancellation
(*Transferable to others)
※ Please note that this is a cancellation policy implemented by most liveaboards.
Rules for product cancellation
This product is a product that is sold after securing a room with an airline in advance.
We inform you that special terms, not standard terms, apply. In case of application of special terms,
Cancellation fees higher than the standard terms and conditions may be charged.
Please check.
Special Terms and Conditions (Special Provisions in Article 5 of the Standard Terms and Conditions for Overseas Travel)
The product is sold after paying the corresponding cost in advance, and the English name of the person making the reservation is
From the moment they apply to flights/hotels/transports, special terms and conditions apply.
※ Product cancellation must be received within the business day (Mon-Fri 09:00~18:00 / excluding public holidays).
Applications received outside of business hours are excluded from the contract cancellation notice date.
※ In case of cancellation of travel due to injury, illness, hospitalization, death, etc. before the departure date, proof of [diagnosis certificate]
Refunds are possible based on this, and please submit supporting documents within 7 days of the departure date. (only,
In the case of products to which special terms apply, there may be some non-refundable parts.)
※ Product contractors must pay cancellation fees (including travel agency personnel costs) in connection with contract cancellation.
You may request specific proof and explanation from the travel agency, and the travel agency will not provide relevant explanations and evidence.
If there is a difference between the cancellation fee regulations and the cancellation fee, it will be refunded.
However, if the penalty does not exceed 10% of the total travel cost, proof will not be presented.
Minimum number of departures
1. This program can depart when the minimum number of departures is 12 or more.
2. The Company may not use the same level of shipping company if the minimum number of event participants is not met.
There is. This must be notified to the traveler 15 days prior to the start of the trip.

review (4)

grade 4.8

4 participate

  • 5 3
  • 4 1
  • 3 0
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
  1. sugar33 2018-09-27
    score 5

    속초터미널에서 픽업해주셨고, 다이빙하기 좋은 때라 그런지
    다이버들 많았습니다.
    그래도 초보인 저희들 잘 챙겨주셨어요ㅠ 감동

  2. alsyyw21 2018-09-21
    score 4

    새벽같이 출발해서 도착했는데 사장님이 잘 맞이 해주셨습니다.
    다이빙도 잼났고 즐거웠습니다~

  3. divinging 2018-09-18
    score 5

    일찍 도착 했는데, 식사 하시려고 하시는것 같았는데, 같이 차려 주셔서 맛있게 먹었습니다. ~
    공짜 밥도 주시고, 사장님 인심이 후하십니다~ (그렇다고 듣고 간거기는 하지만..)
    시야도 좋았고, 바다 상태도 좋아서 즐겁게 다이빙 하고 왔습니다. 샵 바로 앞에서 보트타고 나가는것이 편합니다.

  4. sook88270 2018-08-30
    score 5

    이번 처음으로 국내다이빙 도전인데
    백상어리조트는 처음!
    드라이기랑, 비상약, 헤어에센스, 로션, 빗 와.. 다있어요!
    리조트앞에 보트가 있어서 장비메고 바로 배에 탑승 가능하구요,
    포인트로 가깝더라능.. 말미잘 엄청보고 놀래미 짱많네요
    문어도 봤지만 눈으로 감상후 저녁만찬으로 먹었네요ㅋ
