제주특별자치도 서귀포시 중산간서로 41 ,
It is a scuba diving education center located in Seogwipo.It is a center where you can experience scuba diving and open water divers to instructor training. We will guide you through scuba diving in Seogwipo, and the accommodation is provided at the agreed hotel.Airport pickup and rental car services are provided, and a close-up guide system is adopted for a small number of people.
₩ 0
Selected Product Check in : 2025-02-08 Check out : 2025-02-09 Basic price : ₩ 0 + Single charge : ₩ 0 No. of people diving
※ Reservations, credit card No fees . ※ You can select additional equipment rental on the next page
[Day Trip]
• Diving: Island/Beach Diving (Applicable on the same day)• Meals: Not included, snacks provided •Other: Underwater photography
Check In 2025-02-08
Check Out 2025-02-09
Default price : ₩150,000
Resort usage guide
• If requested, you can make a separate reservation for the Chayson Hotel and Ramada Encore Seogwipo Hotel
Nearby attractions
• Cheonjiyeon Falls• double interference• Jungmun Tourist Complex• World Cup Stadium• Olle Route 7• a single-minded person
How to get there
• Free pick-up service for 6 or more• 1 hour drive from Jeju International Airport • When using public transportation, get off at Kang Chang-hak Stadium by bus 800 from Jeju International Airport
4 participate
가을하면 제주도 꼭 가는데, 물이 맑아서 기분이 저절로 좋아지는 기분~역시 시즌이라 사람이 많았어요그래도 다이빙은 언제나 즐겁네요
아마 제주도를 대표하는 다이빙 리조트가 아닌가 합니다. 부부강사가 일하는 이곳 굿다이버는 가이드를 잘하기로 정평이 난곳이죠. 새롭게 리뉴얼한 굿다이버 사옥은 다이버들을 더욱 편안케 해주는듯 합니다. ^^
겨울이 오기전에 언능 가보세요! 연산홍만개~
국내다이빙 수온 낮고 춥다는 소릴 들어서 제주를 갈까 고민하다가게됬는데 생각보다 좋았습니다!!!!!역시 제주는 연산호군락이 쵝오~생각보다 볼게 많아서 매력적인 곳이라 생각합니다.멀리못갈땐 제주도로 고고
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